Terms and Conditions
Health and Medical Conditions
Procedures within the grooming environment can be stressful for some dogs, especially for senior, young, overweight dogs or those with medical concerns. The process may expose unknown medical conditions or aggravate a current one during or after the groom. In the best interest of your pet this agreement will give Lilly’s Grooming Studio permission to seek emergency veterinary treatment from the closest available vet if we deem it necessary for whatever reason. I will do the best to contact you first, before taking your pet for treatment, however this may not always be possible. Unless we are deemed to be negligent all medical expenses are the responsibility of the owner.
Elderly, Infirm, Overweight or Young Dogs
A full groom can take in-excess of 3 hours and is physically demanding as well as stressful for some animals. Whilst Lilly’s Grooming Studio makes every effort to provide additional support to senior/infirm/overweight and young dogs I cannot guarantee that your dog will be able to adequately support themselves during the groom without it resulting in serious health risks. There is also an increased risk of other injuries such as cuts and grazes. Lilly’s Grooming Studio reserve the right to stop the grooming process at any time with payment in full being due on collection of your dog.
Lilly’s Grooming Studio takes no responsibility for any dog that may contract any disease that can be prevented by vaccination such as Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, and Canine Parvovirus. An unvaccinated dog may put itself and others at risk.
Lilly’s Grooming Studio may ask for proof of vaccination and veterinary information.
Fleas & Ticks
If your dog is known to have a parasitic infestation, we ask that your grooming appointment is rescheduled to a time when your pet is free from infestation. Please provide 48 hours notice to avoid a cancellation charge. Please contact your veterinary surgeon to provide you with the best recommended treatment.
If fleas are found on your dog, I will use a flea repellent shampoo and additional disinfection of the premises and equipment will be required. An additional £15 will be charged to your bill. However in some cases it may be necessary to stop the grooming process and send your dog home. Some dogs are extremely allergic to fleas, and if they are bitten, then there is a potential serious health risk for them, along with a vet bill for their owner. Be aware also that the lifecycle of fleas is intrinsically linked to the tapeworm lifecycle - you should treat all your animals for both parasites, along with your home, pet bedding, and car.
If ticks are found an additional £5 will be charged to include removal.
Lilly’s Grooming Studio cannot take any responsibility for any infection or illness associated with parasitic infections or the removal of it.
Coat Condition
Lilly’ Grooming Studio do not de-matt neglected coats because of the discomfort involved for the animal, these coats will be clipped off very short. I will not accept responsibility for nicks or injuries caused during this process as it is almost impossible for me to see where the skin has been pulled together by the matting - a very short blade reduces the risk of injury. This is very different to removing small knots and isolated matted hair from the coat which can be achieved quickly without causing stress or pain.
If I am presented with a neglected coat and I believe, it is kinder to remove the coat than it is to de-matt this will be done in accordance with The Animal Welfare Act 2006. Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal, this includes prolonged ‘de-matting’ which is painful and detrimental to the welfare of the dog. If you bring in your dog with more than 20 minutes of de-matting work I will make every effort to identify this as part of the pre-groom consultation and coat assessment there may be occasions where the degree of matting cannot be fully identified until the groom is commenced.
In this event I will make every effort to contact you, however if this is not possible, I will have to do what I believe in my professional judgement is in the best interest of the dog.
When a severely matted coat is clipped short, it may occasional reveal sore, reddened and irritated skin, this is due to the fact that the skin has not been able to breathe. The process of de-matting increases the risk of injury including but not limited to cuts and grazes, skin irritations as well as possible haematomas. In addition, you may see some behavioural changes such as head shaking, excessive scratching, licking and “scooting”. Should you have any concerns you should seek advice from your usual vet.
Lilly’s Grooming Studio cannot take responsibility for injuries that are associated with removal of matted coat. The health and condition of a dog’s coat and skin are the responsibility of the owner, together with its physical and psychological health.
Behavioural Charges Aggressive/Nervous Dogs
Owners have the obligation to inform Lilly’s Grooming Studio of any known aggressive behaviour their pet may have to other animals or humans. Specifically, the owner must inform us if they have been advised by pervious groomer(s) of such behaviours. In the event that you fail to inform us of such behaviour and your dog should bite you agree to be responsible for all related medical bills, loss of earnings and equipment damage.
Although Lilly’s Grooming Studio caters to dogs with nervous traits, owners have the obligation to inform us of any such behaviour.
Behavioural charges will be decided by Lilly’s Grooming Studio depending on the severity of the behaviour and the time, skill, and equipment required to groom the dog.
We reserve the right to refuse service if we believe your dog may become a danger to itself or those within the salon. In the event any of these behaviours present during the groom the session may stopped at any time and the full fee incurred.
Please toilet your dog before attending their appointment.
Please walk your dog before your appointment. This will help with stress and safety.
Any prices provided are an estimate only. Additional charges may be incurred due to:
• Unkempt/neglected coats
• Aggressive, senior, nervous or timid dogs that require additional handling
• Fleas and/or ticks
• Dogs that require additional handling for whatever reason
We require 48 hours notice for cancelled appointments or a £30 cancellation charge will apply and must be paid in full before re-booking.
In Season Bitches
It is best to avoid grooming your dog during her season as some bitches may experience discomfort however if it is absolutely necessary please make sure you let me know so I can allocate an appropriate appointment at the end of the day. This is to avoid intact males to become disruptive due to smells left behind by the bitch. If you fail to inform me your groom may be cancelled and cancellation fee applied.